My Story

My Journey – Part 9

Now this is where it gets kinda strange. I had spent the better part of 8 or 9 years walking down this pain-filled stroke road. It had been kind of a BEAR. So I felt that whatever this procedure held for me, at this point I was ready for it, so, on we go! I […]

My Story

My Journey – Part 8

After I got to the Pain Management clinic I met so many Dr.’s, nurses, assistants, that I can’t even begin to remember, but this is what they did for a living, very professional and nice. I felt that I was in good hands. More tests and procedures than I even want to remember over the […]

My Story

My Journey – Part 7

When I first got to the UCSF I was ready To kick this pain out of my life; THAT was what I wanted to do more than anything! I met the Dr. who was the head of the Neurology department, Dr. Nicolas Barbaro. He was a good Dr. but seemed to be rather busy, UCSF […]

My Story

My Journey – Part 5

The next several years of this, life of mine got to be routine. I was finally getting some of my senses back and for that I was grateful. I guess it was because of my age, 25 at the time of stroke, about 27, maybe 28 at this point in my life, and I suppose […]

My Story

My Journey – Part 4

The next part of my journey has much to do with PT too, but it also has a lot to do with learning how to adapt to “Stroke Living”, which is something I never DREAMED I would be doing before this! But REALLY, who would? After this I REALLY hated hospitals! I’d had enough of […]

My Story

My Journey – Part 3

After a few days of crying, it seemed pointless to me, even though I couldn’t seem to stop, I just kept crying and doing PT. After a couple of days I was transferred to Brookwood Hospital that specialized in Physical Therapy, I had a LOT of PT to do because my right side was totally […]

My Story

My Journey Part 2

That is all that I can remember about having this stroke. I had either passed out or my brain shut-down and had gone into survival mode; I really can’t remember, even to this day. The next thing I CAN remember is waking up and I discovered that I was in Santa Rosa Memorial hospital, (80 […]

My Story

My Journey – Part 1

Hi everyone. My name is Jeffrey Brown, but most people just call me Jeff, it’s easier, only one syllable, makes it simpler to say. I started this Blog mainly because not many people realize how much “brain trauma” affects a persons life even after the initial onset. It literally changes you physically, as well as […]